Lockdown Paradise

25 November 2020
Lockdown Paradise

Portugal is the second safest country in Europe.

Portugal is the second most peaceful country of the European Union and the 3rd most peaceful country in the world, according to the Global Peace Index (GPI). In the last decade the conflicts and crises that emerged begun to decrease, only to be replaced with a new wave of tension and uncertainty as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and a sharp increase in global civil unrest. Read full report here: http://visionofhumanity.org/…/uplo…/2020/06/GPI_2020_web.pdf

The peacefulness of Portugal does not stay unnoticed as we have witnessed a significant increase in requests and online property reservations during the past few months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Economists and also real estate agencies talk about an overall drop in property prices but the area of Castelo Branco seems to be an exception to the rule. Properties in this micro-location are a safe haven for many people and are therefore valuable. As the demand reacts faster than the supply, the prices are stable in this part of Portugal, and might be even subject to rise above market values if the demand continues to increase at this current pace.
You may have noticed that we suffered a big dent in our property offer and we are working hard to add new properties to our portfolio.

Did you know you can purchase a property in Portugal without leaving your home? We can take care of the entire process. If you would like to secure your place in Portugal by making an online reservation, send us a message.

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