Off-the-Grid in Portugal

23 January 2021
Off-the-Grid in Portugal

The search for in-dependency

Analyzing the increased interest in off-grid properties

Off-the-grid traditionally refers to not being connected to the electrical grid, but it developed into a popular choice of lifestyle that goes hand in hand with self-sufficiency. An increasing amount of people search the internet for off-the-grid living solutions. Joining a community is one of the options to live together with like-minded people and unite forces to reduce environmental impact and cost of living, but the best idea is to start your own project. In the search for off-grid properties, Central Portugal does not stay unnoticed thanks to its thinly populated areas, unpolluted air, attractive price of land with own water sources, and the great climate with 3000 sun hours per year.

On the search for off-grid properties last year 2020 increased with 84% (blue line) compared to 2019. It is very noticeable that from April last year, there was a significant upward trend in page views and again in October 2020 which is in sync with the first lock down and concerning announcements during the Corona crisis. In this month January 2021 the increase for the search continues with a percentage of 164%.

Talking about percentages, 20% of the properties for sale on our website are off-grid properties. Have a look at our offer and you might find your perfect spot to start your project!

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