What to do in the Beira Baixa?

27 August 2023
What to do in the Beira Baixa?

When driving through the Beira Baixa region a unique feeling of peace and tranquility overwhelms you. Gently curving through the mountains with a different view after every corner, descend and ascend. You are almost the only one on these roads and even when you enter the hamlets and villages, they look abandoned. What a breath of fresh air! This feeling of being one of the few lucky ones on this piece of planet. For some, this might seem a little bit too quiet…..I´m therefore not surprised to get THE question during the property viewings: 

What can we do for fun around here?

I understand that it looks like there is nothing going on from an outsider’s point of view. However, the contrary is true. Other than visiting the beautiful historical villages of Monsanto, Castelo Novo, Idanha-a-Velha, Belmonte, Sortelha, there are many different events during the year that are organized by the local associations in the villages. Walking events (read blog here), fado concerts, lunches, dinners, sardine grilling, chestnut roasting, wine tasting, dances, and other type of commemorative events.

In Santo André das Tojeiras for example, families with children come together at the local swimming pool and village parties during the summer months. There are Portuguese language classes, a crochet club, several associations, and the locals organize cruise trips and other type of trips to entertain everyone who wants to be entertained. As there is a strong feeling of community in the villages, you will also have social events in your own circle.

The municipalities organize events on national and international level. Think of the big bonfire in Penamacor Vila Madeiro every year around Christmas time, Festival Mais Solidário in Castelo Branco and of course the Boom Festival in Idanha-a-Nova.

You can also choose between many (organized) physical activities like: 

Via Ferrata rock climbing
Mountain biking 
Paint ball 
Parachute jumping 
Horseback riding 
River canoeing

Useful websites to book activities:

Beira Tours
Beira Baixa – 3 dias, 3 experiencias
Trip Advisor

View the video of my fun experience with Alpivertical doing

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