
Unlock Portuguese: the best path to learning!

Moving to a new city is already an emotionally challenging decision; moving to a different country presents an even greater array of challenges. From habits, customs, and rules, to gastronomy, culture, and climate, those who move countries often encounter a new language - which, while not a challenge in some latitudes, becomes more difficult when dealing with a less universal language, such as Portuguese!...

The basics about capital gains tax in Portugal

Capital Gains are the profit that you generate when selling a property. The capital gain that you make from the purchase of the property is liable to tax. We will explain you all the basics about Capital Gains tax in Portugal. When you are planning on selling your property in Portugal or already sold a property this year, keep reading! For a full explanation, watch our video here. Key...


Who are the People from Central Interior of Portugal?

In the corners of the Central Interior of Portugal, the unparalleled essence of the people of this region is unveiled. Far from the hustle and bustle of big cities, yet within a short distance of public services and commerce, this place reflects its identity, deep-rooted customs, and lively celebrations that deserve the attention of those from other parts of Europe who wish to discover a region with...

image of a solar panel off-grid

Off-grid solar systems: Let’s learn more?

An off-grid solar system is the perfect solution if you are looking to live in rural Portugal in areas where the mains electricity supply is too far away or if you just want complete independency. Moreover, with energy prices continuing to rise, it is a logical step to look for ways to disconnect from the grid completely. The off-grid solar system generates electricity, stores that power in batteries, and...

Traditions and myths of Beira Baixa Region

Understanding the personality and way of life of the people around us and the localities we are part of, requires knowing a little about their ancestral past and their traditions and myths that have shaped their personality and way of life. Learning about how they were raised, and the traditions of their ancestors is a way to better understand the region and, therefore, achieve better integration. Let's...

The role of solicitors in Portugal 

A solicitor has a key role in buying and selling processes in Portugal. They are normally involved right from the beginning or even before a buying process. The tasks in the buying process include, but are not limited to, analyzing the current situation, advising on procedures, and obtaining the right documentation in order to execute the purchase deed.Check out our Key Talks video about ´How to Buy...

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